December 18, 2024

Is cybersecurity still a good ca...

Is cybersecurity still a good career?

According to Indeed, the average annual salary for cybersecurity jobs in the U.S. is over $100,000. Specific salaries vary depending on experience, location, and job title, but cybersecurity consistently ranks among the highest-paying IT professions.

Is a career in cybersecurity worth it?

Cybersecurity, which involves protecting internet-connected systems, networks and programs from digital threats and attacks, is a lucrative career with promising growth prospects. Median salaries exceed six figures for some jobs, and employers are actively pursuing qualified applicants.

What skills do you need to be a security analyst?

Important Qualities
Analytical skills. s study computer systems and networks and assess risks to determine improvements for security policies and protocols.
Communication skills. ...
Creative skills. ...
Detail oriented. ...
Problem-solving service engineer

How to be a security analyst?

Certifications in security or networks are a good place to start. Degrees: Information Security Analyst positions typically call for at least a bachelor's degree. According to Zippia, 62 percent of information security analysts have a bachelor's degree, and 20 percent have an associate degree[2].

Is it hard to become an information security analyst?

Entry-level experience as an information security analyst may at first be difficult to land without completing an undergraduate degree or relevant bootcamp program.

Is there a demand for IT security?

To satisfy that demand, the International Information System Security Certification Consortium² predicts the worldwide cybersecurity workforce would need to grow by 89%. The market for professionals with advanced cybersecurity skills has expanded at a remarkable rate – from $3.5 billion in 2004 to $150 billion in 2021.Junior Software Engineer

How much does a cyber security analyst make in Hong Kong?

Cyber Security Salaries
Job title Salary
Cyber Security Analyst salaries - 1 salaries reported HK$899,856/yr
Cyber Security Analyst salaries - 1 salaries reported HK$297,383/yr
Cyber Security Analyst salaries - 1 salaries reported HK$25,870/mo
Cyber Security Engineer salaries - 1 salaries reported HK$497,855/yr

What type of person is good for cyber security?

When threats are prevented, new ones emerge which can require a completely different set of skills than the ones needed previously. A successful cybersecurity candidate is imaginative, curious and creative. They need to figure things out quickly, show motivation to learn and be open to new ideas.

Is Infosec the same as cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is concerned with protecting electronic devices and mobile devices against attacks in cyberspace. Information security (Info Sec) is concerned with protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

What are the non-coding jobs in IT?

Here are ten high-paying non-coding jobs in IT:
IT Project Manager.
Product Manager.
UX/UI Designer.
Data Analyst.
IT Business Analyst.
Technical Writer.
Cybersecurity Analyst.
Digital Marketing Manager.
More items...•

Posted by: temple at 04:39 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 453 words, total size 4 kb.

December 03, 2024

Is SEO work easy?

Is SEO work easy?

Is SEO Easy to Learn? SEO is easy to learn. You can start with basics like keywords and gradually explore advanced topics. Continuous learning and practical application are essential for proficiency.


在[新标签页"页面的右下角,点击[自定义Chrome"图标 .


TDK Electronics AG (TDK电子欧洲总部),专业从事开发,制造并销售电子元件和系统,产品品牌包括TDK,爱普科斯(EPCOS),Tronics. 公司始终专注于快速发展的前沿技术市场的需求,包括汽车电子,工业电子和消费电子以及信息和通信技术领域.

Do you need Python for SEO?

Python helps with web scraping and data extraction. These are important components for SEO optimization. An example of a suitable tool for this is Scrapy. This open-source framework allows users to quickly and efficiently extract data from Web marketing agency

Can AirPods translate in real time?

In-ear Translator APP, worlds' first translator app based on AirPods, is available now. You can communicate with your cross-language friend using one set of AirPods. -Use your AirPods as a translator. You can talk with your cross-language friends without delay.

What is Gucci's brand positioning?

Gucci positions itself as a top-tier Italian luxury brand that offers unparalleled quality, innovative design, and exclusivity.搜索引擎優化

Can Google recognize ChatGPT content?

As we mentioned earlier, ChatGPT is designed to produce text that is indistinguishable from human-written text. This means that Google's algorithms are unlikely to be able to detect content that was generated by ChatGPT based on language alone. However, Google has other ways of detecting low-quality or spammy content.influencer marketing

How do I analyze my website for SEO?

How to Conduct an SEO Analysis
Check Your Visibility on Google.
Check URLs and Meta Descriptions.
Analyze Titles and Headings.
Evaluate Incoming Links.
Analyze Your Spam Score.
Check Your Internal Links.
Investigate for Broken Links.
Analyze Your Web Content.
More items...•


一种方法是将图片网址粘贴到Google Web(谷歌网络)搜索栏中,然后点击结果页面上的[Search by image"(图片搜索). 如果使用Google Chrome(谷歌浏览器)作为你的浏览器,当你右键单击图像时,上下文菜单中将有一个选项开始搜索. 这样,你就可以跳过将图片网址复制并粘贴到谷歌搜索页面的步骤.


马来西亚大学英文水平鉴定考试 马来西亚大学英文水平鉴定考试(英语:Malaysian University English Test, MUET)是由马来西亚考试委员会(Malaysian Examinations Council,Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia)所举办的英语能力测验.

Posted by: temple at 02:31 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 290 words, total size 4 kb.

November 20, 2024



在Mac 上的Finder 中,選擇「前往」選單.
請選擇下列其中一個選項: 上層檔案夾:選擇此選項來打開目前視窗的上層檔案夾. 例如,若你位於「下載項目」檔案夾中,此選項會打開你的個人專屬檔案夾. 「最近使用過的項目」,「文件」或其他所列檔案夾:從列表中選擇一個檔案夾.


在你使用USB 設定好與iTunes 同步後,可以將iTunes 設定從使用USB 改成使用Wi-Fi 來同步你的裝置.
使用USB 連接線將你的裝置連接至電腦,然後打開iTunes,並選取你的裝置. ...
按一下iTunes 視窗左側的「摘要」.
選取「透過Wi-Fi 與此[裝置] 同步」.

iMessage 有限制嗎?

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如何透過第三方瀏覽器使用Apple Pay 線上付款
點一下「Apple Pay」按鈕或選擇Apple Pay 做為付款方式. 網頁上會顯示條碼.
使用iPhone 或iPad 的相機來掃描第三方瀏覽器網頁上的條碼.
如有需要,請輸入你的帳單,運送和聯絡資訊. ...
確認付款. ...


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選取瀏覽器工具列右上角顯示的Adobe Acrobat 圖示,然後選擇「將網頁轉換為PDF」. ...


從工作列選取[檔案總管],或按Windows 鍵 + E.
在[快速存取] 下方,選取[下載]. 附註: 如有需要,請移至[ 檢視] 索引標籤,選取[ 功能窗格],並確定已核取[ 功能窗格].技術官員

iPhone 15充電線是什麼?

iPhone 15 和後續機型配備USB-C 連接器,可用於充電及連接各種裝置,包括Mac,iPad,AirPods Pro(第2 代),外接儲存裝置和顯示器.


為手動安裝的企業App 開發者建立信任

點一下「設定」>「一般」>「VPN 與裝置管理」. 在「企業App」區段中,點一下App 開發者的名稱. 點一下「信任『[開發者名稱]』」以繼續. 在iOS 18,iPadOS 18 和visionOS 2 和以上版本中,點一下「允許並重新啟動」以繼續建立信任.


iPhone 15 的充電孔改採符合歐盟環保規範的Type-C 傳輸系統,雖然學者預期初期會有一定數量的舊型Lightning 廢棄線釋出,但長期而言仍能減少電子廢棄物. 蘋果公司9 月13 日晨宣布新的iPhone 15 將改採Type-C 充電傳輸系統,以符合歐盟環保規範.

Posted by: temple at 03:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 113 words, total size 4 kb.

November 06, 2024

What oil to put in an electric d...

What oil to put in an electric diffuser?

Explore our collection of ultrasonic and diffuser oils to discover a fragrance that suits your home. Warm ambers and woody cedars are luxurious and complex for a sophisticated ambience, while scents like neroli, jasmine and fig evoke the sensuous smells of the Mediterranean.

Is it safe to sleep with a diffuser on?

The short answer is yes, you can sleep with a reed diffuser in your room. However, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure the best possible experience. First and foremost, it's important to choose a scent that is relaxing and soothing.


開窗通風是最簡單的室內空氣改善方法,讓空氣流通,有助於將濕氣排出房間,改善房間潮濕. 建議每天都要開窗保持室內空氣流通,或安裝新風系統來達到全屋換氣,讓密閉空間即使在不開窗的情況下,也能有純淨新鮮的活氧好空氣.香薰機香港

Is a diffuser good for the lungs?

Yes, diffusers are safe to breathe in. The essential oils used in diffusers are highly concentrated and can be irritating to the lungs if inhaled directly. However, when used in a diffuser, the oils are diluted and dispersed into the air, making them safe to breathe in. Getty Images.

Is it OK to sleep with a diffuser in your room?

Is it OK to sleep with a diffuser on? While it's safe to have an essential oil diffuser on during waking hours, you should actually turn it off while you're asleep. That way, you won't inhale too much of the essential oils and you also won't run the risk of any unsafe electrical problems during the night.

Is diffusing peppermint oil safe?

Peppermint shouldn't be topically applied to or diffused around children under the age of 6 years. Eucalyptus shouldn't be topically applied to or diffused around children under the age of 10 years.

擴香 100mL 用多久?

擴香瓶使用時間多久? 擴香瓶可以使用的時間會根據香氛精油的揮發性,擺放的地點,購買的容量大小,使用的容器等而有差別,但平均來說擴香瓶一個月大概會揮發70mL左右,所以100mL大約可以使用2個月.

Do diffusers sanitize the air?

There's no evidence to prove that these air diffusers have a positive impact on Indoor Air Quality at all! And while they may fill your air with pleasant, calming scents, there's only true way to ensure you and your family are breathing the healthiest air possible: AprilAire whole-house Healthy Air solutions!迷你香薰機

How do electric diffusers work?

Air is forced through an oil-soaked pad or filter by an electric fan to disperse essential oils from an evaporative diffuser. The fan blows the scent around the room, working quickly to release the fragrance. These are a quiet, simple way to use essential oils that don't require mixing with water.

Posted by: temple at 11:02 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 394 words, total size 3 kb.

October 29, 2024

Can a toddler eat peach gum?

Can a toddler eat peach gum?

Who cannot eat peach gum? or children below 8 years old, and people with a poor digestive system. This is because peach gum belongs to a cool nature and it is harder to be digested for certain groups of people.

Is peach gum good for diabetes?

Peach gum (PG) contains a large number of polysaccharides and has hypolipidemic and anti-diabetic properties. Peach gum, specifically, may increase short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which modulate lipid, glucose, and insulin sensitivity and thus improve metabolic syndrome components (MetS).

What country hates chewing gum?

Singapore Infopedia. A ban on the sale, import and manufacture of chewing gum in Singapore took effect on 3 January 1992, four days after the ban was announced in The Straits Times.

Can diabetics eat peach gum?

Collectively, the data suggested that the peach gum-derived polysaccharide had a meaningful potential as a non-insulin therapeutic compound in the treatment of diabetes.

Is resin toxic after dried?

Fully cured resin is non-toxic (unless changed in ``no duh'' ways, such as exposed to heat, ground up and snorted, or used on a cutting board and therefore slightly ingested).

Can peach gum be eaten raw?

In a broad sense, the jelly secreted by Rosaceae plants such as apricot trees and cherry trees can also be called peach gum. Peeling these secretions from the bark and drying them is the raw peach gum, which can also be eaten after simple processing.如何緩解鼻塞

Is resin harmful to skin?

The short answer is yes. The resin can be toxic if inhaled, ingested, or touched. Prolonged and repeated contact with resin can cause skin irritation and respiratory problems. Resin can also be hazardous to the environment if it is not disposed of properly.

What is the healthiest fruit to eat at night?

One study found that consumption of pineapple, oranges, and bananas. View Source increased melatonin production about two hours later. Kiwis have also been shown to have some sleep-inducing properties. In one study, adults with self-reported sleep problems were instructed to eat two kiwis an hour before bedtime.

What is the number one healthiest fruit for you?

Blueberries are the healthiest fruit, based on my expertise and research. To start, they are blue in color due to their high levels of anthocyanin, a type of antioxidant. Studies show that eating blueberries regularly may reduce the likelihood of developing heart disease, as well as Type 2 diabetes.

Is peach gum harmful for skin?

Peach gum contains a lot of plant-based gelatin, which is different from animal protein collagen in the human body and cannot directly supplement body's collagen. However, peach gum contains polysaccharides and water-soluble dietary fiber, which can detoxify and beautify the skin and promote metabolism.桃膠食谱

Posted by: temple at 09:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 459 words, total size 3 kb.

June 18, 2024

Life Adjustment for Prostate Cancer Patients: Diet and Exercise Guide

In addition to medical treatment, lifestyle adjustment is also crucial for patients with prostate cancer. A reasonable diet and moderate exercise can not only improve the treatment effect, but also enhance the quality of life of patients. This article will provide a diet and exercise guide for life adjustment for prostate cancer patients, and briefly discuss the adjustments that ovarian cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer patients may need in their lifestyle to demonstrate the importance of a healthy lifestyle in cancer management.

Diet Adjustment for Prostate Cancer Patients

For prostate cancer patients, dietary adjustment is an important part of adjuvant therapy. It is recommended to increase the intake of foods rich in antioxidants, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, which help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. At the same time, reducing high-fat and high-sugar foods and choosing foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as deep-sea fish, may help slow the progression of prostate cancer.

Exercise Guide for Prostate Cancer Patients

Moderate exercise is also important for prostate cancer patients. Exercise can improve cardiopulmonary function, strengthen the immune system, improve mood, and help control weight and reduce body fat. Patients are advised to choose appropriate forms of exercise according to their own conditions, such as walking, swimming, or yoga, and gradually increase the amount of exercise.

Lifestyle adjustments for patients with ovarian cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer

Although the pathological characteristics of ovarian cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer are different from those of prostate cancer, a healthy lifestyle is beneficial for all cancer patients. Ovarian cancer patients may need to pay special attention to fiber intake in their diet to help improve the health of the digestive system. And nasopharyngeal cancer patients may need to avoid irritating foods to reduce the extra burden on the throat.

Challenges and support of lifestyle adjustments

Lifestyle adjustments can be a big challenge for cancer patients, especially when they are experiencing side effects of treatment. Therefore, patients need comprehensive support from the medical team, family, and society. Nutritionists can provide personalized dietary advice, and physical therapists can help develop a suitable exercise plan.

Prostate cancer patients can significantly improve treatment outcomes and quality of life by adjusting their diet and increasing moderate exercise. Similarly, patients with ovarian cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer can benefit from a healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle adjustments require a personalized plan and ongoing support to ensure that patients can go further in their fight against cancer.

Posted by: temple at 09:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 411 words, total size 3 kb.

December 29, 2022

Learn from the good managers around you and gain a solid understanding of management first.

Learn from the best managers in your area, but Krishna SAVANIfirst gain a solid understanding of management. This is the most common and effective method of specific workplace management cognition. If you do an excellent job in a front-line position and have no issues in any aspect of your attitude, you will quickly enter the leadership's vision and become a key training target. As long as the individual does not have obvious character flaws, emotional intelligence is also basically over, can think more for the subordinates, basically a quarter down to get started, and often do a good job later, there is an opportunity to get promoted, manage a small team of a certain size, and then led by the big leaders.

As a result, for the workplace has the will to manage the staff, do a good job at the same time, more observation more learning those excellent managers management style, especially the excellent managers for the team to work to achieve the results of the way to guarantee repeated thinking, after all, can lead the team to complete the manager's performance is considered qualified. Simultaneously, the employees themselves as management objects and managers management actions of the movers and shakers, the management level of the direct managers will gradually form some judgment, which will then be combined with their own frequent observation or attention to the excellent managers, and gradually summarize the specific performance of these excellent managers management excellence and simple summary, at least to know what aspects of these excellent managers I

When combined with the management knowledge framework, the core knowledge elements are attacked one by one to form the fundamental management knowledge.

If I do not come from a management course, you need to buy a common textbook of management-related teaching at the top universities in China, one or two books can be, the university's ability to select the textbook is still superb. The first contact with these terms or various theories must be very confusing, read a few more times, even if you really can't read, but also try to chew a few more times, repeatedly ponder, even if you still can't understand the whole, doesn't matter, there is a certain kind of engraved confusion is the biggest gain, after all, management of this thing is never a standard answer, after all, management of this thing is never a standard answer. This type of raw knock, while painful, elicited deep thought or at the very least left an impression.

In conjunction with personal management practice, a special management to do well and thoroughly, such as sales management or teacher management.

Career managers' first management opportunities vary, but excitement, confusion, stress, and even confusion are almost universal feelings. The biggest trap in workplace management is that, as long as there are no obvious shortcomings of the basic, even if competent, if the performance can also meet the standard, even if excellent, but with the management of the requirements of the work itself, it is frequently far from. This also leads to a lot of managers, with almost no significant improvement in management after a year or two. After all, the manager's role is more than just that of a supervisor; he or she must bring the team together to decide who should do what. Employees should not be supervised on a daily basis to ensure that the work process is up to standard. But always assist the team in resolving business problems, locating reasonable resources, or even promoting some kind of business innovation, so that the work is completed more easily or quickly than the competition.

Related article reading:

A university professor explains what management is and how to learn it effectively!

Management of learning with university professors

How can you learn management in a systematic manner?

Posted by: temple at 06:51 AM | Comments (847) | Add Comment
Post contains 648 words, total size 5 kb.

March 21, 2022

These signals appear on the hood...

Many cooker hoods have a variety of problems, such as failure to inhale, failure to remove smoke, increased noise and exceptional power consumption, which not only greatly affects the cooking experience, but also the health of the fumes that remain in the kitchen. If you often open the hood but still can not suck clean smoke, often can smell others cooking smoke smell, kitchen walls and cabinets become greasy and so on, this may be your hood should 抽油煙機!

I. The fumes don't go in.

Like all other products, cooker hoods have a natural ageing process. The longer you use it, the greater the wear and tear on the range hood. In addition, the interior and exterior of the hood are susceptible to oil contamination. If cleaning and maintenance are neglected, this can lead to clogged oil screens, slow running motors and heavy impellers, affecting the effectiveness and longevity of the hood. Over time, the performance of the smoker will naturally deteriorate and the smoking effect will be much worse than before.

Two, the oil smoke can not be exhausted also backed up.

During peak cooking periods, even when the hood is on, kitchen fumes still do not drain effectively and even other fumes pour into your own kitchen, indicating that your hood's air pressure is too low! Dozens of high-rise homes share a common flue, which can lead to congestion and increased pressure during peak cooking times. At this point, the resistance of the cooker hood to the outward flow of smoke also increases dramatically. Once the air pressure of the hood is lower than the resistance of the common flue, the smoke will not be exhausted smoothly and a backflow 抽油煙機.

Three, the hood becomes noisier.

Smokers are noiseless when they are first used, but over time, the noise becomes louder and louder. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. This is probably because the hood has not been cleaned for a long time, resulting in a lot of stubborn oil accumulating on the surface of the motor and impeller, leading to corrosion and deformation and unstable operation, generating a lot of noise.

So when your cooker hood has been in use for a long time and is in the condition described above, it means that it may be retired and must be replaced in time. Don't wait until the hood is completely obsolete with the mindset that it will work - after all, replacing it early can not only greatly improve the cooking experience but is also better for your 抽油煙機.

Posted by: temple at 02:00 AM | Comments (576) | Add Comment
Post contains 440 words, total size 3 kb.

February 19, 2022

How to lose weight while eating?...

If that's how you eat fat, eat it back. However, losing weight is not designed to make you diet too much, and this approach is not recommended. Excessive dieting can damage your health and your physique will patronize you.

The correct way is to control calorie intake reasonably, maintain a certain calorie deficit, balance nutrient intake, supplement various nutrients needed by the body, and ensure the body's metabolism.

In the process of losing weight, your calorie intake can be reduced by 400-500 calories than usual, which can promote the body to burn fat, allowing you to lose weight slowly, while not making the body malnourished, metabolic capacity insufficient.

To avoid being hungry all the time during the weight loss process, hunger can make you overeat, we should learn to eat smart. Choosing some natural foods with strong satiety and low calorie value can effectively reduce the occurrence of hunger and improve the success rate of weight loss.

Did you choose the right ingredients for weight loss?

The first category, various coarse grains.

Many people who lose weight fear eating staple foods, believing them to be the culprit behind obesity. In fact, excessive intake of staple foods can increase blood sugar and lead to fat accumulation.

However, staple foods are rich in carbohydrates, which can supplement the body's carbohydrate capacity and maintain the body's metabolic level. Therefore, proper supplementation is also very necessary.

In terms of staple food, we should eat less pasta and rice with fast digestion and high sugar coefficient, but instead use coarse grains such as corn, oats, brown rice, potatoes, beans, etc., which can prolong the satiety time and replenish the body's required carbohydrates for metabolism.

However, we cannot eat whole grains without eating refined staples. It is recommended to consume the two in a ratio of 1:1, and the daily carbohydrate intake should not exceed 250 grams, which can help you lose weight more healthily.

The second category, high-fiber fat scraping vegetables.

In the process of losing weight, we can't miss a variety of high-fiber, low-calorie vegetables, such as cabbage, blue flower, lettuce, winter melon, mustard, bitter gourd, celery, tomatoes and other foods, we can rotate different vegetables every day, so that weight loss 活力午餐.

Various high-fiber vegetables can promote intestinal peristalsis and inhibit fat accumulation. A meal should account for at least five points of vegetables, which can supplement the vitamins needed by the body and effectively control calorie intake.

When eating, we can put these low-calorie vegetables in the front and high-calorie foods in the back, so that the calorie intake of a meal will be greatly reduced.

The third category, low-fat and high-protein foods.

In the process of losing weight, in addition to eating a variety of high-fiber vegetables, we also need to supplement high-protein foods. It takes more calories for the body to break down protein, but it also effectively reduces the chance of overeating to satisfy your meat cravings.

In addition to eggs and dairy, high-protein foods are meats such as fish, shrimp and crab, chicken breast and lean beef. These foods can supplement amino acids and avoid the problem of muscle breakdown during weight loss.

People with high muscle mass have a stronger basal metabolic value, which helps build a lean body mass. We should learn to eat some foods high in protein every day. The daily protein intake is about 65-90g, which supplements amino acid raw materials for muscles.

Posted by: temple at 02:12 PM | Comments (527) | Add Comment
Post contains 576 words, total size 4 kb.

September 14, 2021

Common urinary incontinence prob...

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1. Stress urinary incontinence:

This is the most common type of urinary incontinence, most of which occurs in women, mainly because the ligaments and muscles that support the bladder neck and urethra relax, or because the urethra itself does not close properly, causing coughing, laughing, and lifting heavy objects. Abdominal pressure rises, bladder neck and urethra cannot provide 產後尿滲 contraction, urinary incontinence, such as pregnancy, is this type of birth.

In addition, as the elderly grow older, their neuroendocrine function and urinary control ability are poor. They are also due to mental stress, forced coughing, heavy lifting, and involuntary urination. At present, most female urinary incontinence patients are over 50 years old, but more and more More young women have the same problem.

2. Urgent urinary incontinence:

Before urinary incontinence occurs, there will be an urge to urinate. For example, if you hear the sound of running water, you will have an urge to urinate, and then urinary incontinence will occur. This is due to the continuous increase in the 產後尿滲 of the bladder detrusor and the excessive relaxation of the urethral sphincter, causing the uncontrollable flow of urine from the bladder, such as cystitis, urethritis, bladder stones, etc., which will severely irritate the bladder. Dr. Wenjian Liao pointed out that in the past two or three years, many young women have suffered urethral inflammation due to improper sexual behavior, which eventually leads to overactive bladder, which means that bladder activities can be completely out of internal control, resulting in frequent urination or nocturia. The proportion has increased by 10% to 20% compared with the past, so pay special attention.

3. Overflow urinary incontinence:

Neuropathy causes poor contraction of the systemic bladder, or severe pelvic tissue and organ prolapse, which affects the bladder outlet and is compressed and blocked, resulting in urine retention. Excessive increase in intravesical pressure can cause Chinese urine to be exposed. Such patients often have frequent urination, slow down the rate of urination, and unsustainable urination, and there is a ticking phenomenon.

Posted by: temple at 09:57 AM | Comments (102) | Add Comment
Post contains 340 words, total size 3 kb.

September 02, 2021

3 painful signs you need to know first

For sciatica, it is generally recommended to seek medical advice from the Department of Brain Surgery.


Sciatica is the compression of the lumbar spine by a nerve. It is a symptom, not a diagnosis, and can be caused by a variety of factors.

What is sciatica?

Sciatica is a syndrome dominated by pain in the lumbar spine pressing on nerve pathways and all over the area. The vast majority of cases of sciatica are secondary to the compression of the lumbar spine by the nerve and the surrounding structures, which affects the compression of the lumbar spine.

What are the manifestations of sciatica patients?

1. Sudden pain

Sciatica often develops after trauma, physical activity or cold, followed by pain, or because of these reasons. Most of the pain is on one side, some on both sides.

2. Pain all over the body

When sciatica occurs, the patient first feels a soreness in the lower back and a stiffness in the abdomen, which slowly intensifies and grows into intense pain and distress, gradually spreading from the abdomen, buttocks and hip bone, down the back of the thigh, popliteal fossa, both sides of the calf belly and the back of the foot, with burning-like or needle-like pain and distress.

3、Pain characteristics

The pain of sciatica is characterized by paroxysmal aggravation, which is worse in the evening. In some patients with sciatica, the pain can often be caused or aggravated by changes in posture or stretching of the lumbar spine to compress the nerve.

How can sciatica be treated?

For sciatica, you can use drugs that soften blood vessels, such as 654-2, or apply pain-relieving drugs, such as sodium salicylate, naproxen, anti-inflammatory pain, etc. You can also reasonably take blood-strengthening drugs, such as Panax notoginseng and Chuanxiong, etc. In addition, you can also carry out the following treatments: 1.

1, for the lumbar disc protrusion caused by this disease, if the efficacy is not significant after the use of drug treatment, this time can use other ways, such as ablation surgery treatment and open treatment.

2. For such diseases caused by irritation of the pear-shaped muscles, the painful points in this area should be cleared, and the painful points must be found precisely by pushing and pressing on this position with a certain amplitude, and after pushing and pressing, the same disease as this disease can be felt, and the pain provided by this disease can then be alleviated by clearing the painful points.

3. If the pain is caused by pressure in the periphery, the pain is relieved by the release of the inflammation.


Bei Ischias geht es nicht nur um Rückenschmerzen? Es kann auch zu offensichtlicheren Problemen führen! Sofortige und angemessene Behandlung



Posted by: temple at 08:26 AM | Comments (118) | Add Comment
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August 23, 2021

About fitness, you need to know ...

Look thin without having to lose weight and slim down? Why would have been daily is in diligent weight loss and slimming, but has not been also thin? About fitness, there are 5 facts, first look at itself are understood it. To lose weight and slim down the road more and more smoothly, this expertise must be mastered.


1. the more dieting to lose weight, the more serious you fat?

Three parts practice, seven parts eat. Control diet is so key, you think is to eat less so simple?

The truth is, the lower you eat, the more serious you can gain weight. Dieting and weight loss means low kinetic energy intake, and in the long run, the body will "protect itself" by reducing metabolism and going into "low battery mode".


Even if weight loss occurs, it is due to muscle and water drainage, not fat. After the glycogen is depleted in the blood night, the body will act according to the dissolution of liver sugar.

According to the data, the body needs 4g of water to dissolve 1g of liver sugar. Therefore, you understand why dieting for weight loss can cause weight loss, right? To sum up, it is proposed that the minimum kinetic energy intake should be at least 1200 calories.


2. Looking thin is not the same as being physically and mentally healthy

Want to make yourself thin, not only for better beauty, the most important, or physical and mental health. But there is a situation, some people just look thinner, Hugh weight does not exceed the standard, body shape is also considered uniform, but it is likely or must lose weight and slim.

Since there is not just one kind of fat in the body. We can see and see (can pinch up) the fat that is hidden under the skin, we call it subcutaneous tissue fat. There is also a type of fat that surrounds the body's internal organs, and this type of fat is visceral organ fat. The proper visceral organ fat has a maintenance effect on the body's organs.

But if there is too much, it is not good. It will enhance the risk of developing type II diabetics, heart disease, and cancer.

It is impossible to estimate whether there is too much visceral fat, but a better way is to measure the hip circumference accurately, if the waist circumference of women > 85cm, men > 90cm, indicating that the visceral fat exceeds the standard.

3. fat, is not due to the overflow of nutrition

Fat, is due to eat too well, nutrition overflow did not? If you think so, you may be confused with kinetic overcapacity and nutritional overflow. Because kinetic overcapacity is not the same as nutritional overflow.

When kinetic energy intake exceeds calorie consumption, which is the direct cause of everyone gaining weight, calorie intake exceeds the standard, profitable calories will be converted into fat storage up.

I do not know, many fat paper, despite eating more, the dietary structure is not scientific, the nutrient composition is not balanced.

In short, and you usually like the type of food, despite the high calorie content, but there is no nutrient content. In other words, the nutrient content is relatively single.

For example, if protein, which is essential for the body, is lacking, it will jeopardize the smooth implementation of energy expenditure. It will also continue to cause muscle drainage and turn into a lean physique.

In summary, it is best to eat a little bit of everything when you manipulate your calorie intake to lose weight and slim down. The cereal sweet potato, protein class, vegetables and fruits, etc., eat 12 kinds above daily and 25 kinds above every week.

4. there will not be how to eat not fat food

The net explodes, there are some food can eat how not fat, to put it bluntly "negative calorie", there is indeed that kind of food?

The truth: when we eat, digestion and absorption of food must indeed consume heat, which is called the thermal effect of food, but such consumption, and not beyond the food itself.

Because all foods, except warm water, are caloric.

To exceed the heat of the food itself, the food heat effect should be at least 100%. It is not known that the food caloric effect is generally averaged at 15% up and down, and protein is only 25%-35%.

Therefore, there will not be any food that is not fat. You don't have to keep thinking about what you can eat to be thin.

The prerequisite to be able to be thin is to manipulate calories. In the precondition of manipulating calories, eat more foods that contain dietary fiber, high water content, and high protein foods.

5. fat and muscle are unlikely to convert each other

In many people's view, the purpose of weight loss and slimming is to reduce fat and enhance muscle, converting fat into muscle. The truth is: muscle and fat are unlikely to convert each other.

Since the muscle body is composed of cardiac muscle cells, its function is "fitness exercise", based on the dissolution and air oxidation of fat and glycogen to obtain kinetic energy to supply the body with the daily fitness exercise work capacity. It is not known that the fat body is composed of fat body cells, whose function is to store fat. The two are completely different body bodies.

So, what we feel as "conversion" is actually a separate transformation that confuses the two, an increase and a decrease. For example, like many players, after the discharge of widespread obesity, is not due to the conversion of muscle into fat, but only due to the reduction of fitness exercise, muscle relaxation, coupled with eating more, will certainly be fat

Posted by: temple at 09:07 AM | Comments (115) | Add Comment
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August 13, 2021

What is cauliflower?

Cauliflower is a common sexually transmitted disease, even more prevalent than gonorrhea and syphilis. It can be called genital warts, anogenital warts, genital warts, or genital warts. In addition, from the appearance point of view, the usage of nouns is different in Chinese. Taiwanese medical circles use more condyloma acuminata, and Chinese medical circles use more condyloma acuminata. Others are also called condyloma acuminata.

Cauliflower is caused by human papilloma virus (Human papilloma Virus, referred to as HpV) infection. After infection, there may not be obvious symptoms. At the 椰菜花女, it is just small protrusions on the skin, which may not be detected by the naked eye. Neglected by the patient. Then these small warts grow a granulation or a mass of granulation on the anus or male and female genitals. When these granulation accumulates, it will be noticed by the patient. Southern Fujian dialect is pronounced cauliflower, hence the name. The tricky part of cauliflower therapy is the high recurrence rate, and in fact, human papilloma virus can increase the risk of penile cancer in men and cervical cancer in women, so it is best to follow the prescribed treatment process.

Common treatment methods: drugs, electrocautery and surgical treatment, usually only used when the disease is large, large, or severe. Unsafe sex, sharing sponges, toothbrushes and other utensils, newborn mothers infected with broccoli. After the treatment is completed, you should also pay attention to your own body immunity and perform safe sex to avoid being infected by the human papilloma virus (HpV) again.

Male external genitalia: penis, foreskin, penis, female external genitalia: large and small labia with flesh-colored or gray flat protrusions, not obvious at first, and painless, so it is easy to be ignored by patients. This is because doctors may use genital warts or genital warts. Explained. After that, this small wart will actively gather like a flower, and it will become clear at this time. A small number of patients will grow cauliflower in the male urethra and female urethra. Generally speaking, it is easy to find in humid places.

During sexual intercourse, if you use oral or anal sex, cauliflower may grow in the mouth and anus, but generally speaking, the human papilloma virus that produces cauliflower does not infect normal skin, only mucous membranes.

Other accompanying symptoms: Sometimes it can cause sexual pain, genital itching, genital swelling and other problems.

Posted by: temple at 02:48 AM | Comments (203) | Add Comment
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August 04, 2021

The things of learning Japanese ...

In this article, I share with everyone the summary of the method of learning Japanese of the newbie's note, in fact, the method of learning is different from person to person, each person has a set of way that is suitable for himself, my method of learning Japanese should be said to belong to the more traditional type, in other words, the more stupid type, the following share with everyone, expecting everyone to have a certain 日語五十音, to give a boost to the basic learning of Japanese of everyone.

I think that the most important point of language learning is to be diligent. In the case of learning training, we must work hard at the level of "reading, writing, listening and hearing", and there is no shortcut to take.

To put it bluntly, "read", I think there are two levels of content. First of all, is to read through the 日語會話班 words, text content, especially in order to develop the habit of morning reading as much as possible. That kind of loud recitation is not a reflexive theme activity, in the whole process of learning we should pay attention to our own pronunciation, the English words and sentences we read, which can make our mouth more and more handy and help us to correct pronunciation. The recitation is basically carried out on the basis of reading through, which is more conducive to the conditioned stimulation of what you have learned and trained. The second practical meaning of "reading" is to read more raw materials of linguistic expressions with a very high difficulty factor when you have the ability to learn. In this whole process, we should pay attention to maintain the comparative sensitivity, pay attention to the accumulation of new N5課程, English grammatical situation and syntax, and shape the English language sense. At the same time, this can also increase your mastery of various fields in Japan and broaden your knowledge. In the process of applying Japanese language, you will not only express yourself in words, but you will also need to have a lot of content in your conversation.

Writing" here includes handwriting, summarizing, and penmanship. Whether in class or in practice after class, you can dig out the key points, problems, or things you are interested in. In the whole process of note-taking, we should be good at brainstorming, more than more, more combing, only that will make what is in the book become their own, only then can they digest and absorb. Shaping the ability to write is a major overall goal in learning a foreign language, and more penmanship training is the starting point for accomplishing this overall goal. By doing this training, you will also be able to detect your weaknesses and other shortcomings at an early stage.

"Listening" is generally a difficult task in learning a foreign language. English listening must be independently shaped and strengthened, but it is not a separate part, and is closely related to my grasp of English vocabulary, sentence structure and other mastery.

Therefore, in order to improve listening, the first thing we must do is to firmly grasp the main points of knowledge we encounter in the optional reading classes and in our usual study training. For this reason, it is essential that we improve our learning in English listening classes, and that we master the content of the linguistic material as quickly and completely as possible under the specific guidance of the teacher. In the classroom, it is better to listen to the content of the English listening class repeatedly and to repeat it after the tape. At the same time, in the case of English dictation and repetition, pay attention to shaping the ability of shorthand method to write down what you hear as quickly and precisely as possible, and when you come across words that you do not understand, it is also advisable to listen to the pronunciation as clearly as possible and to record the hiragana.

No matter what you listen to, you need to concentrate on it and remember it as much as possible. This will help you to learn translation in the future. In addition to the contents of the classroom, you should also actively create a natural environment for yourself to express your language, such as listening to simple Japanese materials or listening to Japanese radio programs when you have time. In the beginning, you may not understand much, but at least it will make us feel the pronunciation, tone and intonation. In the long run, it will be very helpful for you to shape your English sense.

I think "speaking" is an ability that is difficult to improve in the absence of a natural environment for language expression. In the case of the introduction to Japanese language training, I think that speaking basically depends on the content of the text that you are studying for training. If you know the content of the text and have a clear understanding of the context in which each phrase or phrase is used, it is very easy to apply them precisely.

In the whole process of training to speak, I think the problem that people often make is that they lack the courage and are in a hurry to do it. We may not be able to promise to think in Japanese all the time, but after learning a new phrase, you should try to apply it in the right place.

Reading, listening, and repeating are actually building the foundation for speaking at the same time. For example, in the case of English grammar class, we can repeat appropriate phrases made by the teacher and classmates, and in the case of test preparation, we can also repeat phrases orally. Using English listening tapes to carry out guided reading is also a very good way . If you don't improve your speaking skills, it's unlikely that you'll be able to truly learn a foreign language.

I think the final goal of learning English is to apply it. I expect everyone to look for a suitable and efficient way of learning for themselves as early as possible in the whole process of learning and training.

Posted by: temple at 09:19 AM | Comments (205) | Add Comment
Post contains 1036 words, total size 7 kb.

July 28, 2021

Are the results of POCT instrume...

Bedside blood gas testing can be performed in real time in different departments throughout the hospital and the results are available immediately. Other routine samples are sent to a central laboratory for testing. arterial blood gas analysis In the case of the Siemens blood gas analyzer, the central laboratory uses the Rapid Point 500, the Pukett meter and the Rapid Lab 1200 blood gas analysis system.

Hospitals can set up rapid point 500 systems in clinical departments such as icu or picu, and blood gas analysis must be uniform in administration or comparable in measurement of instrument results. Regardless of the type of blood gas analyzer measured, it should ensure that clinicians receive consistent test results and make the same clinical decisions for patients.

"Because of the variation in measurements across instruments, laboratory measurement systems can mislead physicians and give the wrong treatment plan when they give different results for the same sample." To effectively promote comparability of results between instruments, AACC expert Malone pointed out that different instrument manufacturers work together to find different ways to address the consistency of measurement results for the same specimen. This also means that comparability of measurements between methods can be achieved.

To demonstrate the comparability of results between the Pukett instrument and the central laboratory blood gas system. First, we collected heparin, anticoagulant, and fresh blood. The bioelectrode method was used to perform ph and gas measurements over a period of time, and the samples were corrected for other analytes by adding different solutions to cover the measurement range of each test. Air bubbles were removed after collection or prior to analysis following appropriate sample handling procedures.

Samples were analyzed in normal arterial mode within 10 minutes using two Rapid Point 500 and Rapid Lab 1265 analyzers. All analyzers were quality controlled daily and run regularly according to an automated quality control program (aqc). Comparative studies were performed using clsi ep09-a3 methodology on patient samples to compare measurement procedures and estimate bias. The statistics, including slope (m), intercept (b) and determinant (r2), were calculated by ordinary or weighted regression analysis of the following analytes

Posted by: temple at 09:22 AM | Comments (129) | Add Comment
Post contains 358 words, total size 3 kb.

July 20, 2021

What are the ways we can liquida...

There are many ways to liquidate a house in your hands, how to do it quickly and get a sum of money? Let's analyze them one by one.

1, Sale

The advantages of selling are in principle the greatest, but the disadvantage may be the limited amount of sales, which may be due to the need to reduce the price appropriately for urgent sales, or the difficulty of selling due to the inability to repay the loan.

Because it is a newly purchased house, some cities have limited sales. The so-called "limited sale", or "limited transaction", means that the newly purchased house needs to obtain a certain number of years of title deeds before it can be listed and traded or go through formal transfer procedures. For example, individuals in Guangzhou, China, need to purchase a property license for 2 years before they can be sold (analysis), so the newly purchased house may not be able to achieve a quick sale, the problem depends on whether the house is located in the area of urban development has a limited sales policy.

Now China's overall business to limit the development of the policy will not be canceled, but there are signs of relaxation of the sales policy, before China's Shandong Heze sales restrictions on the cancellation, but even if the cancellation of the sales policy system can be purchased during the implementation of the work of the house is still limited to the sale.

If you are in a hurry to liquidate, you may need to reduce the price appropriately to sell quickly, which will lead to some losses.

Because it is a new property license, less than 2 years, need to pay more taxes, usually, personal tax, VAT are the top, can not be reduced, in Guangzhou less than 2 years if you can sell, personal tax 1%, VAT 5.3%, as for the deed tax depends on the buyer.

If the newly purchased house is an application for a corporate loan company to purchase, then we usually say that the Bank of China Development will not allow immediate repayment of the loan, so even if the sale is not limited, it can not be sold through.

Of course, the restricted period, or the case of higher taxes, there are people who sign first, first sold, and so meet the conditions of the restricted sale, or full 2 years before trading the transfer, because the waiting time is long, the risk is higher some, need to pay attention to.


2, loan

I don't know whether to apply for a loan to buy a new house, or a lump sum payment!

Either one can take the money from the bank.

Generally speaking, loans to banks have the lowest interest rates and the longest life span, which is the biggest advantage. As for the amount, non-bank institutions may be higher. More on that next.

It may be difficult to apply for a mortgage from a bank if you apply for a loan in the first place. Very few banks can apply for a second mortgage, but they usually require a business license and have higher interest rates.

If you are done buying your current home, you can apply for a mortgage. The personal name application is called a consumer loan, and some cities may have limits, such as a maximum of one million for 10 years. If we want to break the upper limit, we need a business license from the enterprise, you can apply for a business loan by applying for a business loan, you can apply for 70% of the house price, the amount is a little higher, a few banks can also analyze to get a higher amount if they do not meet the social conditions.

3, second charge

Apply for a business loan from the bank market interest rate is low, but we usually use up to 70%, if you still want to get a sum of money, then you can get a part of the amount by considering mortgaging your house to the institution, you can analyze, or you can also find the bank to apply for a second mortgage.

A second mortgage from a bank may require a business license, while a non-bank institution may not.


The loan from the institution, which can also be called private lending, usually has a higher amount, but the interest rate is very high, so you need to be careful, especially not to sign blank IOUs, etc., and not to receive money to immediately return part of the money to the institution, into the pit if you fall for it, you may lose a lot of money in the future.

4, credit loans

Name has real estate, belong to the relatively well qualified customers, but also to banks, credit cards to apply for credit.

If you use a combination of the above methods, the amount of money obtained may exceed the value of the house price itself, but it is important to pay attention to the safety of funds when obtaining funds, such as the risk of borrowing from institutions, for example, the theoretical problem of applying for credit.

Posted by: temple at 02:04 AM | Comments (226) | Add Comment
Post contains 867 words, total size 6 kb.

July 13, 2021

Anti-aging can not be separated ...

The majority of the beautiful people have been very few, the vast majority of the beautiful people are based on their own unremitting efforts to maintain out. After the age of twenty-five, the skin aging problem slowly presented, if at this moment still do not do a good job of maintenance, it will look older than the same age people more than ten years. How can you have a good skin condition? This maintenance of the skin of small habits to develop as soon as possible.

Skin care must cultivate what become beautiful small habits?

1, clean up in the work to ensure that the bit

Many people also do not pay attention to cleansing, feel that the top priority of skin care depends on wiping skin care products, this kind of idea is wrong, no good clean-up work, after the fact skin care products are not able to be thoroughly digested and absorbed by the skin, will make the actual effect of skin care products is very much affected. Sometimes it was bought to the expensive skin care products, but it is because the cleansing is not careful, and let the money are playing through the water rinse. The cleansing must be attentive, select the appropriate own cleansing milk, to scratch the method of gently pushing the face, that not only accelerates the facial blood circulation system, but also do a good job of cleaning up, nu skin 制度.

2, no matter what time it is necessary to do a good job of sunscreen isolation

The sun's ultraviolet light for the skin damage is very large, it makes the skin grow old behind the scenes, often sun exposure, and do not do a good job of sunscreen isolation, the skin will grow old especially fast. Some people feel that only in the summer sunlight more intense case must do sunscreen isolation, this kind of idea is very one-sided. The sun's ultraviolet rays are present in any season, whether it is a rainy day or a sunny day, so if you are going out, you must ensure that the sunscreen isolation work is in place, or you will bear the skin damage from the ultraviolet rays. The selection of sunscreen isolation countermeasures varies from person to person, and the most important thing is to adhere to it.

3, can not only be committed to the face

Some people skin care only want to take care of the skin of the face, in fact, there are some other locations that must be taken care of, such as the skin around the eyes, such as the skin of the neck these, because there is some beauty is reflected in the care of the key points above. The skin around the eyes is very sensitive, and aging is also gradually from the eyes, picking the right eye essence, and pushing it in a circle every night before going to bed to prevent the lines around the eyes as soon as possible. The skin of the head and neck must also be properly cleaned, once the neck line grows, it is difficult to remove.

4, once a week to go to the cuticle

The actual fact is that a lot of ladies are negligent about exfoliating their face, and the thinness of the horny layer is too thick to block the skin pores, which will make the skin pores bigger, and also continue to make the skin color more and more dull and yellow, very lethargic. The regular face exfoliation is also a key stage of skin care, must develop a good habit of exfoliating once a week.

5, do not have to diet to lose weight

Everyone has a love of beauty, to want a good body, this pursuit of perfection is very worthy of no doubt, but must be used in the right way, do not diet to lose weight. The actual body fat is not only unnecessary, but also leads to the outflow of collagen, and people should be more aged and old-fashioned. Weight loss and slimming or to be based on fitness exercise and effective diet with manipulation, so that the reduction out is also easier to maintain, will not harm the appearance, and even make the surface look more young.

6, must get up early and go to bed early, do not have to stay up late for a long time

The actual fact is that you have to be able to stay up all night long, but this kind of habit is wrong and will cause many problems to occur in the skin. To have good skin, to do a good job of skin care, we must cultivate the habit of regular work and rest time, not only the human body will become more and more physically and mentally healthy, the skin situation will also become better and better.

7, fitness exercise makes people beautiful, cultivate the habit of fitness exercise

After getting older, people's basal metabolism will decrease, not only will be very easy to gain weight, but also continue to make the skin will not be as friendly as the original situation. Strengthening exercise can enhance the basic metabolism of people, speed up the blood circulation system, so that the face is more and more white and red and glossy, skin problems can also be slowly improved. Fitness exercise is the most inexpensive way to take care of your skin, and I look forward to the big guys can love it.

The skin care does not only remain in the mouth, must be cultivated above this maintenance of the skin of small habits, although it does not seem worth mentioning, but adhere to the end will appear very good actual effect. There is never an ugly woman, only a lazy woman, look forward to everyone can get rid of lazy, so you can step into the beautiful.

Posted by: temple at 01:16 AM | Comments (129) | Add Comment
Post contains 987 words, total size 6 kb.

June 28, 2021

There are so many different types of sake, what ...

Sake is produced through a complicated process, in which it is divided into various types due to the different processes. The traditional processes of sake production have been passed down to the present day, and the classification of sake has continued to evolve throughout the process. If you understand the production process of sake and the differences in it, you will be able to enjoy drinking sake more and more.

Key elements of brewing


Water accounts for 80% of the ingredients in sake. Compared to red wine, which is brewed without tap water, raw water is a key ingredient in sake brewing. Sake is a Japanese brew that has been blessed with the sweetness of water.

The water used in sake brewing is called "kaisui". In sake brewing, not only must water be used to open the ingredients, but also a lot of water is used to wash rice and special tools, so sake is stored in places with abundant water sources.

Deep wells for making sake

In Japan, there are many different types of water, ranging from extremely hard water with high amounts of calcium and magnesium to softened water with very few ingredients, and it is said that the rate of production of sake varies depending on the type of water used.

Nada (the area between Nishinomiya City in Hyogo Prefecture and the Nada area in Kobe City) is a well-known sake producing area, and is the source of the hardness of the water called "Miyamizu," and the sake made from this water is called "male sake" because it is spicy and refreshing. What's more, Fushimi, a place where sake is produced in Kyoto City, uses softened water to produce sake with a sweet taste and is called "female sake". There are some sake collections where you can taste the water immediately, so be sure to try them out when you have the chance.

Fushimi's sake collection


Another key ingredient in making sake is rice. If you read the label on the sake bottle, you will see the word "used rice" in the ingredients section. Applied rice" is different from the type of rice you normally take, and is called "sake rice" because it is suitable for making sake.

This type of rice has a colorful protein layer on the surface, and if it is not used to make sake, it will cause an odor in the sake, so the surface layer must be removed. It is difficult to reduce rice with large particles. In addition, the part of the rice management center called the "heart white" has characteristics that are extremely beneficial to sake making, as it absorbs water very well and is easily digested and absorbed into the internal song. However, in contrast to the rice that is normally consumed, this type of rice tastes dry and shriveled, and is not very tasty.

Gradual scientific research from seed rice in Wakayama local

There are more than 100 different kinds of rice, and the most famous ones are "Yamada Nishiki", which is the most produced rice, "Gokamishi", "Misan Nishiki", "Yuomachi", and so on. In addition to contracting with local farms, some sake breweries even grow their own sake rice in order to make better sake. At the same time, some sake breweries also hold events such as rice planting to promote the need for planning sake rice to the public.


Nara Prefecture focuses on brewing sake with rice that has been used since ancient times

Sake mold

Sake is brewed by converting tapioca starch from rice into sugar by the fungus Sake Mildew, and then alcoholized by yeast. The raw materials for sake include fresh fruits such as red grapes, grains, sweet potatoes, and animal milk, but unlike raw materials with built-in sugar such as red grapes, grains and sweet potatoes must undergo the entire process of "saccharification", which converts tapioca starch into sugar. Sake is obtained by sprinkling the steamed rice with the cells of a mold called "sakura", which is called "sakura seeds," and then sugarizing it over two days and nights.

The song is shaped in a high-temperature, wet, and cold "kuro".

The rice that has been sweetened is called "koji," a Chinese character for "koji" that is sometimes used in Japanese. It is said that koji has been used in sake making since the Heian period, and even in the Muromachi period, there were stores that made koji. Today, there are about 10 stores that make goma all over Japan. In wagyu, "koji" is used in a variety of food items, including miso and sashimi, in addition to sake.

Conversion of ethanol into


After the rice has been sweetened by the yeast process, the sugar is gradually converted to ethanol by the yeast process. Yeast, called yeast in English, is a strain of microorganism, and was directly translated as "yeast" in Japan in the Meiji era as "mother of alcohol production.

Yeast is commonly found in nature, from the rind of fresh fruit to fallen leaves and flower bones, and before the Meiji period, each sake brewery was breeding "the brewery's own yeast" on separate roof beams and walls. A term used by sake brewers is "zoophilia," which means that the taste of sake varies depending on the yeast cultivated in each sake brewery. However, this depends to a large extent on inadvertent conditions, so it is difficult to produce the same quality of sake every year.

In 1904, the National University Brewery Laboratory, which was established by the Myongye government, began isolating yeast seedlings, which were highly regarded in sake collections across the country, and in 1906, the Brewery Research Institute was established, and the yeast cultivated there was gradually distributed to sake collections in every province in China.

The whole process of alcohol development in a barrel that has been carried out under the effect of yeast theme activities

The yeast cultivated at this brewing research institute is called "research institute yeast" and there are various types. The oldest of these yeasts that are still in use today is "Research Council Yeast No. 6", which was obtained from the sake collection of New Policy Brewery in Akita Prefecture in 1930. However, nowadays, there is a high demand to abandon the "Research Council Yeast" and reuse the yeast that is available in the separate sake collections.

The yeast that is good at producing aroma and the yeast that can produce sufficient aroma are different according to their different characteristics, and they can cause different harm to the taste of sake. At the same time, the rate of development and design of yeast today is so fast that there is a wave of production of new flavored sake. In most cases, the yeast used is mentioned on the back of the logo of the sake. If you pay attention to it, you will discover the secret and the joy.

Posted by: temple at 04:13 PM | Comments (240) | Add Comment
Post contains 1160 words, total size 7 kb.

June 11, 2021

Smart classroom design and compl...

Along with the development trend of information technology, multimedia classroom has slowly replaced the traditional classroom of "classroom blackboard + pencil". Unknown, at this stage, most of the multimedia classroom limitations are becoming more and more significant, mainly: multimedia classroom in a variety of types of machines and equipment, the pan-entertainment is more serious, only manual type of single manipulation; multimedia classroom all over the coverage of a wide range of management methods in the late maintenance difficulty factor; multimedia classroom basic construction is still stuck in only a high degree of attention to hardware configuration machines and equipment capital investment links, application software Interactive service platform deployment design program is basically zero; low level of information technology management application, technical scalability and flexibility weak. For the above problems, the text clearly puts forward the intelligent classroom completion plan program according to the mobile Internet of Things, to enhance the utilization rate of classroom resources machines and equipment, and to complete the automation technology and intelligent system of cultural education course management.

research breakthroughs into real-world solutions through commercialisation.

In recent years, along with the increasing perfection of next-generation information technology such as Internet of Things technology, Internet big data and cloud computing technology, information technology application is included in the key strategic positioning of education reform in the new era of education in China, in which the "national medium and long-term education reform and development also clearly points out the provisions to accelerate the process of education modernization, which actually contains: â‘  accelerate the basic construction of education modernization infrastructure; â‘¡ enhance the development, design and use of high-quality teaching resources; â‘¢ build the national Ministry of Education information management system.

Thus, "Internet technology + cultural education" has become a new development trend of education industry infrastructure and reform and innovation, such as smart classroom, smart education, smart classroom and other basic construction, which has become a new trend of concern, scientific research and discussion of the Education Bureau nowadays. The combination of information technology and educational research business processes of institutions, the technical introduction of Internet of Things technology, cloud computing technology, Internet big data, etc. into the education industry on campus has reasonably accelerated the process of information technology to promote education reform and innovation in the new era. The construction of the natural environment of the smart classroom gives service support and ensures the integration of the organic chemical fusion of information technology and curriculum content classroom teaching in the new era, enhances the level of information technology application on campus, and completes the automation technology and intelligent system on-campus management methods.

The use of smart classroom facilitates learning and greatly improve efficiency.

1. Definition of Smart Classroom

SmartClassroom is an intelligent and intelligent teaching environment that integrates staff attendance and access control, intelligent linkage of machines and equipment, natural environment enhancement and adjustment, and mobile interactive classroom teaching by applying next-generation information technology such as Internet of Things technology, cloud computing technology, Internet big data, and mobile communication technology to the traditional multimedia classroom.

Posted by: temple at 07:19 AM | Comments (243) | Add Comment
Post contains 514 words, total size 4 kb.

May 30, 2021

Principales différences entre le...

La technologie des imprimantes 3D est une technologie de fabrication de données qui a été largement utilisée pour ses avantages en termes de faible coût et d'efficacité. Ces dernières années, l'imprimante 3d de bureau est également en train de mûrir lentement, dans une variété d'industries, alors, l'imprimante 3d de bureau et l'imprimante 3d de production industrielle à la fin quelle est la différence ? Examinons les points suivants.

1, précision d'impression

Parce que le niveau de bureau de l'imprimante trois d à ce stade seulement FDM et la machine de polymérisation de la lumière deux types de technologie, à partir des informations de données, le niveau de production industrielle et le niveau de bureau de l'imprimante trois d n'est pas très différente, FDM la résolution minimale de l'écran par la taille de la décision d'entrée d'extrusion d'impression, essentiellement dans le milieu de 0,3-0,5 MM, l'épaisseur de la couche par la décision de l'axe Z, parce que le niveau de bureau couramment utilisé servomoteur, la production industrielle trois d L'imprimante est le choix du servomoteur AC, dans l'impression spécifique de l'ensemble du processus pour éviter la perte de pas et d'autres précisions causées par la perte du problème réel.

2, taux d'impression

Le taux d'impression est la différence entre le niveau de production industrielle et le niveau de bureau une autre différence clé, parce que le niveau de bureau trois d imprimantes dans le coût de limité, plus que le choix de 16-bit et 32-bit système d'intégration ic comme la puce de la carte principale, le taux de méthode de traitement des données ne peut être comparé avec le CPU 64-bit, en FDM en raison de la précision, la différence n'est pas grande, mais dans la technologie SLA en face d'un taux de numérisation de jusqu'à 1 m / s, tandis que le dernier peut atteindre 4m-15m / s.

3, la conception du point d'appui de l'impression et l'enlèvement de la qualité

rapid prototyping 3d printing

Les points de support d'impression et la ligne d'entité d'impression peuvent être divisés en paramètres principaux du programme de conception d'impression est le marqueur le plus important pour distinguer entre le niveau de production industrielle et le niveau de bureau de l'imprimante trois d, en raison du niveau de production industrielle est utilisée dans les industries manufacturières spécifiques, l'effet réel de l'impression finale d'avoir un degré élevé de dispositions de prévisibilité, l'utilisation du niveau de bureau de l'imprimante trois d amis bassin comprendre, qu'il s'agisse de FDM ou SLA machine de l'équipement, parce que Le point d'appui et la ligne pleine dans le processus d'impression n'est pas une distinction, après l'impression le point d'appui de détachement est un facteur très incontrôlable, et finira généralement par causer un détachement infructueux, détruisant la ligne pleine. Le niveau de production industrielle résout ce problème de manière globale.

4, les spécifications d'impression sont les indicateurs clés pour distinguer la valeur des imprimantes domestiques de celle des imprimantes industrielles de qualité de production.

En règle générale, plus les spécifications d'impression applicables sont importantes, plus le prix de l'imprimante est élevé. Supposons que vous disposiez d'une imprimante trois d qui puisse imprimer des micro-ondes au format chauffage. La grande majorité des imprimantes 3d de bureau de qualité supérieure disponibles sur le marché de la vente aujourd'hui ne produisent que des articles de petite taille.

Les imprimantes 3d de qualité production industrielle impriment généralement de très gros volumes pour être adaptées à la fabrication industrielle. Mais en conséquence, le grand volume peut conduire à doubler la multiplicité, les coûts des matériaux augmentent, les tests, l'installation, la livraison, les frais d'entretien sont coûteux ; surtout dans le maintien de la stabilité des conditions préalables, la plupart des indicateurs de la valeur de chaque composant sont plus strictes, afin de garantir que l'ensemble de l'impression mécanique la précision et la fiabilité. De tels éléments vont doubler le coût de l'ingénierie des imprimantes. En outre, le niveau de production industrielle n'est pas aussi simple que le niveau de bureau trois d solutions de conception d'imprimante, il ya généralement une variété de gestion de la conformité (conformité des solutions de conception pour répondre aux dispositions de la production industrielle différente.

5, stabilité de l'impression

La stabilité de l'impression, en termes simples, est le taux d'impression. Le taux d'impression est considéré comme un véritable test du mérite du département de conception de la valeur de l'indicateur, mais aussi pour distinguer entre le bureau et la production industrielle de qualité imprimante trois d valeur de l'indicateur clé, l'imprimante finale de qualité production industrielle est utilisée pour la production de masse. L'ensemble du processus d'impression est généralement très long, prenant au moins plusieurs heures, et si un seul point clé n'est pas résolu, l'impression échouera. Aujourd'hui, même les imprimantes 3D de bureau les plus douces du secteur ont un taux de réussite d'un peu plus de 70 %. Le taux d'impression de qualité industrielle est garanti à 100 %, ce qui permet d'augmenter la productivité et de réduire les coûts globaux, y compris les ressources humaines, le temps et les autres coûts.

Posted by: temple at 07:19 AM | Comments (304) | Add Comment
Post contains 847 words, total size 7 kb.

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